Hey..long time..was on break, my fault.. apologies. So lets begin ;)
Here we are taking an example of CLOTHES ..suppose you have to buy new and better clothes but you don't have enough space for them so, in that case you will try to free up the space in your wardrobe by "Letting GO" the old clothes which don't fit's you or suits on you, its not about losing but making the space for the better things that fits and suits on you.
It might sound easyyy.. but it is tough or crucial even if it is not good for us though.
Similarly, holding onto parts of your past—like old feelings, people who aren't good for you anymore —can stop you from enjoying new things in life.
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Like old grudges, failed relationships, or outdated ideas about ourselves are like a big and heavy stones which is placed on our chest by putting it aside we feel free and comfy and by experiencing this we feel far better and happier.
It is Difficult But -
It is difficult for letting go those feelings but for your better self you have to do that it is not necessary but it is a need for your good mental and physical health.
It’s tough to let go because the familiar feels safe, even if it’s not good for us. Also, saying goodbye to a part of your life can be sad, and change can be scary because you don’t know what’s coming next. But these feelings are normal and part of the process.
Start thinking about exciting things you can do once you’ve let go. This could be a new hobby, a trip, or meeting new people. It will actually help you moving on from your past by keeping yourself busy somewhere else
What about Feelingssss :/
When you master the subtle art of letting go, you feel lighter and more free.
Letting go can bring up a lot of different feelings, and it's important to handle them properly and beautifully. It’s tough but important. Handling your emotions well can lead to new beginnings and a happier you.
So, even though feelings can be tricky, they’re an important part of the letting-go process.
Final Thoughts
By saying goodbye to what no longer serves us, we open doors to new adventures and happiness. So, don't be afraid to let go. Your future self will thank you for it!..
Now I thank you for reaching to an end of this blog ;)